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Gujarath Traffic Mod BUSSID V4.2

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Game Bus Simulator Indonesia (BUSSID)
Name Gujarath Traffic Mod BUSSID V4.2
Size 1 MB
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File .rar
Credit GNR Nonstop

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Gujarat Traffic Mod BUSSID V4.2


Welcome to the comprehensive guide for the Gujarat Traffic Mod BUSSID V4.2 for the Bus Simulator Indonesia game. This guide will cover all aspects of the new update, including features like Gujarati bus horns, new dashboards, 3D texture floors, heavy traffic mod, and much more.

This four-part series will delve into each feature, providing detailed insights and instructions on how to utilize this mod to its fullest potential. For more information and to download the file, visit the YouTube channel linked here. The password for the file is included in the video.

Part 1: Overview of the GUJARATH TRAFFIC OBB BUSSID MOD V4.2

The Gujarat Traffic Mod for BUSSID V4.2 brings an array of exciting features to enhance your gameplay. Some of the highlights include:

  • Gujarati Bus Horns
  • New Dashboards
  • Unlimited Money
  • Bus Cleaner
  • 3D Texture Floor
  • Heavy Traffic Mod
  • Driver Emote
  • JB1/JB2 Lightings
  • JB3 HDD Hino Update
  • OJB HD Mercy 1526 Body
  • VIP Garage
  • Driver Skin
  • Kids Skin
  • Realistic Graphics Tires
  • RGB Interior Lights
  • Road Signs
  • Brake Sound
  • Reverse Sound
  • Bus Engine Sound
  • SDD Scania Update
  • New Lobby Emote
  • Traffic Update

These features are designed to provide a more immersive and realistic driving experience. To use this mod, download it from the provided link and follow the instructions in the YouTube video.

Part 2: Installation Guide

Installing the Gujarat Traffic Mod BUSSID V4.2 is a simple process. Here are the steps to get started:

  1. Download the file from the YouTube link: Download Here.
  2. Extract the file using the password provided in the video.
  3. Open the Bus Simulator Indonesia game on your device.
  4. Navigate to the 'Mods' section and select 'Import'.
  5. Locate the extracted file and import it into the game.
  6. Once imported, you can start using the various features of the mod.

Following these steps will ensure a smooth installation and setup of the mod, allowing you to enjoy all the new features.

Part 3: Customization and Tips

Customization is key to making your BUSSID experience unique. Here are some tips to get the most out of the Gujarat Traffic Mod:

  • Experiment with Horns: Try out the different Gujarati bus horns to find the one that suits your style.
  • Dashboards and Interiors: Customize your bus with new dashboards and RGB interior lights for a modern look.
  • Heavy Traffic: Enjoy the challenge of navigating through heavy traffic with realistic graphics and sounds.
  • Driver and Kids Skins: Personalize your bus with new driver and kids skins to add a personal touch.

Make sure to explore all the customization options and share your setups with the community for inspiration.

Part 4: Community Feedback and Updates

The Bus Simulator Indonesia community is always active with feedback and suggestions. Here are some reviews from fellow gamers about the Gujarat Traffic Mod BUSSID V4.2:

"The new traffic mod brings a lot of realism to the game. The Gujarati bus horns are a nice touch!" - @trafficlover

"I love the new dashboard and the RGB interior lights. It makes my bus look so cool at night." - @nightowl

"Installation was easy, and the heavy traffic mod is challenging but fun. Highly recommend!" - @busenthusiast

Stay updated with the latest mods and features by subscribing to the YouTube channel and visiting the official website. Your feedback is important, so don't hesitate to share your thoughts and suggestions.

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