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Multi Colour Smoke File Codename BUSSID V4.2

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Game Bus Simulator Indonesia (BUSSID)
Name Multi Colour Smoke File V4.2
Size 47 MB
Password inside the video
File .zip
Credit GNR Nonstop

Multiple Colour Smoke File Codename BUSSID V4.2


Welcome to the ultimate guide for the Multiple Colour Smoke File Codename BUSSID V4.2 for the Bus Simulator Indonesia game. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about the new update, featuring a range of smoke colors including black, blue, green, pink, skyblue, red, and yellow.

In this four-part series, we will explore each feature in detail, providing insights and instructions on how to use this file effectively to enhance your gaming experience. For more detailed information and to download the file, visit the YouTube channel linked here. The password for the file is provided within the video.

Part 1: Overview of the BUSSID V4.2 Update

The latest update for Bus Simulator Indonesia, V4.2, brings an exciting new feature: multiple color smoke files. This allows players to customize their buses with a variety of smoke colors, enhancing the visual appeal of the game. The available colors are:

  • Black
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Pink
  • Skyblue
  • Red
  • Yellow

These colors can be applied to all buses, providing a unique and personalized gaming experience. To use this file, simply download it from the link provided and follow the instructions in the YouTube video.


Part 2: Installation Guide

Installing the Multiple Colour Smoke File Codename BUSSID V4.2 is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Download the file from the YouTube link: Download Here.
  2. Extract the file using the password provided in the video.
  3. Open the Bus Simulator Indonesia game on your device.
  4. Navigate to the 'Mods' section and select 'Import'.
  5. Locate the extracted file and import it into the game.
  6. Once imported, you can select the smoke color of your choice from the customization options.

Make sure to give credit to the original creator by including the following in your description:

Credit : @gnrnonstop #gnrnonstop
File link :
Website :

By following these steps, you can easily enhance your gameplay with vibrant smoke colors.

Part 3: Customization and Tips

Customizing your bus with the new smoke colors is not only about aesthetics but also about expressing your style in the game. Here are some tips to make the most out of this feature:

  • Mix and Match: Try combining different smoke colors with various bus skins to create unique looks.
  • Events and Competitions: Use vibrant colors like red and yellow for events or competitions to stand out from the crowd.
  • Night Driving: Colors like blue and skyblue are great for night driving as they provide better visibility.
  • Performance: Ensure your device can handle the added graphics to avoid any lag during gameplay.

Experiment with different combinations and share your creations with the community for inspiration and feedback.

Part 4: Community Feedback and Updates

The Bus Simulator Indonesia community is always buzzing with new ideas and feedback. Here are some thoughts and reviews from fellow gamers about the Multiple Colour Smoke File Codename BUSSID V4.2:

"The new smoke colors add a fresh and exciting element to the game. It's amazing how a small change can make such a big difference in the overall experience." - @busfanatic

"I love customizing my bus with different colors. The skyblue smoke is my favorite for night drives. Kudos to the creators!" - @nightdriver123

"Installation was super easy, and the results are fantastic. Highly recommend this to anyone looking to enhance their BUSSID gameplay." - @gamerzrule

Stay tuned for future updates and improvements by subscribing to the YouTube channel and visiting the official website. Your feedback is valuable, so don't hesitate to share your thoughts and suggestions.

Password Inside the Video

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